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What is the 60% tax trap and how can you legally avoid it in uk?


In navigating the complexities of the UK tax system, individuals and professionals alike are often confronted with various challenges, among which the so-called “60% tax trap” stands out as particularly daunting. This phenomenon, while not an official tax rate, effectively imposes a punitive level of taxation on certain earners through a specific income bracket. Understanding and addressing this trap is essential for ensuring that one’s financial planning is both efficient and compliant with legal standards.

The trap ensnares individuals in a narrow income band where, due to the gradual loss of the personal allowance, the marginal rate of tax increases dramatically. Typically, this occurs for those earning just over the higher rate income threshold. The consequences of falling into this trap can significantly affect disposable income and savings potential, making awareness and strategic planning crucial components of financial management.

Through this blog, we aim to demystify the 60% tax rate conundrum by explaining its mechanics and providing actionable advice. By leveraging legal tax planning strategies and expert financial advice, individuals can navigate around this trap, optimising their tax situation and ensuring they retain a larger portion of their hard-earned income.

Understanding the 60% Tax Trap

Explanation of the 60% tax rate in the UK

The 60% tax rate in the UK is not a formal tax bracket set by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) but rather an effective tax rate that certain high earners encounter due to the way income is taxed in conjunction with the withdrawal of the personal allowance. For the 2022/23 tax year, individuals earning over £100,000 start losing their personal allowance—the amount you can earn tax-free—which is £12,570. For every £2 of income above £100,000, the personal allowance reduces by £1. This tapering of the personal allowance means that individuals with an income between £100,000 and £125,140 effectively face a 60% marginal tax rate on this segment of their income. This is because, in addition to the 40% higher rate of tax they pay, they are also losing their personal allowance at a rate that equates to an additional 20% tax on their income.

Impact of the 60% tax rate on individuals

The financial impact of the 60% tax rate can be quite significant, especially for those hovering just above the £100,000 threshold. It drastically reduces the actual take-home pay of affected individuals, leaving them with considerably less income than expected. This situation is often referred to as the “60% tax trap”. It can discourage individuals from seeking additional income or promotions that might push their earnings into this zone, as the net benefit after tax might not seem worth the additional effort or responsibility. Moreover, it complicates financial planning and necessitates a careful approach to income management and tax planning to mitigate its effects.

Strategies to Avoid the 60% Tax Trap

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Utilising tax-free allowances and reliefs

One way to navigate around the 60% tax trap is by making full use of the various tax-free allowances and reliefs available. Pension contributions are particularly effective, as they are deducted from your gross salary before tax. By increasing your pension contributions, you can reduce your taxable income and potentially bring it below the £100,000 threshold, thereby avoiding the gradual loss of the personal allowance. Similarly, charitable donations made through Gift Aid can extend your basic tax rate band, offering another method to reduce your taxable income.

Making the most of tax-efficient investment options

Another strategy involves investing in tax-efficient savings and investment vehicles. ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) are an excellent option, as they allow you to earn interest or investment gains without paying tax on them. This does not reduce your taxable income but can be a wise way to manage your savings and investments more tax-efficiently. For those with a more significant appetite for risk, Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) and Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS) provide significant tax reliefs that can also help to mitigate the tax burden, though consultation with a financial advisor is strongly recommended due to their complexity and risks.

Incorporating tax planning into your overall financial strategy

Incorporating tax planning into your overall financial strategy is crucial for avoiding the 60% tax trap. This involves a holistic view of your income, investments, and expenditures to ensure all aspects of your financial life work together in the most tax-efficient manner possible. Utilising the expertise of a financial advisor can provide you with personalised advice tailored to your specific financial situation. Early and effective planning can help to identify potential tax traps and opportunities for tax savings, ensuring that you make the most of your hard-earned income.

Importance of Seeking Professional Advice

person standing near the stairs

Navigating the complexities of the UK tax system to avoid falling into the 60% tax trap requires a nuanced understanding of tax legislation and finance. This underlines the paramount importance of seeking professional advice. Tax advisors and financial planners are equipped with the latest knowledge and strategies to help you legally optimise your tax situation. This can not only prevent you from inadvertently paying a higher rate of tax but can also maximise your potential savings and investments in a way that aligns with current laws and regulations.

Tax laws in the UK are notoriously dynamic, undergoing frequent revisions and updates. Keeping abreast of these changes can be daunting for individuals without a background in finance or tax law. Professional advisors dedicate themselves to staying informed about these developments, ensuring that the advice they offer is not only accurate but also the most advantageous for your specific circumstances.

Moreover, the benefits of professional advice extend beyond mere tax planning. An expert can provide comprehensive financial planning services, offering guidance on pensions, investments, and inheritance planning, all of which can interact with your tax liabilities in complex ways. Tailored advice can provide clarity and confidence in your financial decisions, helping you to achieve your long-term financial goals while remaining compliant with tax laws.

Additionally, misconceptions about what constitutes legal tax avoidance versus illegal tax evasion can lead to costly mistakes or legal issues. Professional advisors can delineate these boundaries clearly, ensuring that you do not unwittingly engage in any practices that could be considered unlawful.

In short, seeking professional advice is an investment in your financial health. It not only helps in legally avoiding the 60% tax rate but also secures your financial future through informed, strategic decision-making.


In summary, while the UK tax system imposes a complex interaction of tax rates that can culminate in an effective 60% rate for certain income bands, understanding and navigating these waters is essential to protecting your hard-earned money. The interplay between personal allowance and higher tax bands creates a unique challenge but also presents opportunities for informed tax planning.

– Leverage pension contributions: Consider increasing your pension savings to benefit from tax reliefs and reduce your taxable income.

– Utilise gift aid: Make charitable donations under the Gift Aid scheme to extend your basic rate band.

– Explore salary sacrifice: Engage in salary exchange schemes for benefits like childcare, which do not count towards your taxable income.

By engaging in legal tax planning strategies and consulting with financial advice experts, individuals can wisely navigate the UK tax system, avoiding the 60% tax trap. It serves as a reminder of the importance of proactive financial planning and the value of professional guidance in optimizing your tax position.

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